Stay connected with your community pharmacy so you can get up to date health information and education.

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New Zealand’s National Network of Community Pharmacies

Independently owned community pharmacies make up the vast majority of pharmacies in New Zealand and provide much needed primary healthcare services, expert advice and supply of prescription and over the counter medicines.

Connecting with your pharmacy

Follow your local pharmacy on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with health news, pharmaceutical information, health events such as Movember and a dash of health humour.

Sign up to an email newsletter from your local pharmacy to keep up to date with all their latest news, health information and product promotions and offers.

Participate in webinars on Zoom on a range of health topics delivered by leading New Zealand specialists. Follow your independently owned pharmacy on Facebook or join their email list to see invites for new health webinars.

Keep up to date with health news, health events and webinars by signing up to your local independently owned pharmacy’s email list by clicking the button below.