Only PharmacyEXTRA provides independently owned pharmacies with industry leading resources and programmes

pharmacyEXTRA logo in white

New Zealand’s National Network of Community Pharmacies

Build a customer email list easily and effortlessly

Build an engaged customer email list

  • QR code link to sign-up form

  • A5 Counter stand

  • Customised welcome email from your pharmacy

  • Wide selection of content to choose from in just 5 minutes a month

Look out for our email with the selections for the following month

Your customers sign up to a mailing list by scanning a QR code in your pharmacy, visiting pharmacyEXTRA or from links from your Facebook page and website

Choose your selections with just a few clicks

Your customers are now in a database linked to your pharmacy with a welcome message from you

Your customers receive your monthly emails

Sign up to our pharmacy EXTRA newsletter

Contact us for more info