Want to reach independently owned community pharmacies and their customers? pharmacyEXTRA has the solution for you.

pharmacyEXTRA logo in white

New Zealand’s National Network of Community Pharmacies

84% of all pharmacies in New Zealand are independently owned. Only pharmacyEXTRA can help you reach independently owned pharmacies and their customers in the most cost effective way with our network of over 500 pharmacies and our ability to post brand content on behalf of hundreds of them

Your channel for independents

Every year, pharmacyEXTRA delivers more than 12,000 Facebook posts from
independent pharmacies reaching out to an audience of 7.5 million customers.
Are your brands missing out?

We build email databases for pharmacies so they can keep their customers engaged and up to date with their latest offerings and promotions. Do you have something you want to promote?

We host educational webinars for pharmacists and their customers on a variety
of health topics with expert New Zealand specialist speakers.
Do you have an educational message you want to get out?

Want to know how your brands are performing in independent pharmacy? Our
PHARMAscope product can provide deep insights into your brands by analysing
pharmacies Toniq POS system with custom reporting for you.

To learn how pharmacyEXTRA can work for your brands with independent
pharmacy contact our Key Account Manager, Jackie van Rooyen.

Sign up to pharmacy EXTRA